Tuesday 27 August 2013

How to Get Lean Muscle - 3 Signs of a Crappy Muscle Program

by Cheng Kee

There are heaps of "professional" personal trainers or bodybuilders who claim they hold the holy grail of muscle building knowledge, when all they did was take short cuts to get to where they are. A lot of bodybuilders copy each other and copy the same rubbish that they promote. All they're doing is further casting a darker shadow over the muscle industry that's already dominated by the shady supplement pushers. The only thing that's proven to work is a good muscle exercise program, but even they are hard to find too. If you see a muscle program with one of these components, it's crap and you should avoid it.

1. Have exercises that don't have an order

All the good muscle exercise programs will have an order to their exercises, whether you see it or not. They will workout the entire body and will usually incorporate the same muscle group, but exercising it in different ways. For example, a good muscle program will recommend that you do a hamstring curl at 15 reps x 3 sets at a 311 tempo. Then it will tell you to do a hamstring extension at 15 reps x 3 sets at a 311 tempo, taking a rest after all that. A substandard muscle routine will not see the importance of superimposing a related exercise on the same muscle group, giving you a set of exercises that will only stuff up the way your muscle grows, leading to slower gains.

2. They will talk about rest

This is something that's only been realized in the last decade or so by fitness experts, but rest and recovery is one of the most important aspects of building muscle. It's useless if you get a muscle program that gives you a set of exercises to do if it doesn't tell you how long you should rest in between each exercise. Because yes, it is important. Think about it. If you didn't have a set time to rest, a workout could vary significantly. You could end up adding on an extra 20 minutes to half an hour to a workout, simply because you were daudling between exercises. Also, if you take too long a rest, you lose workout intensity, meaning your muscles don't work out as hard as they should, meaning slower gains. Rest is important to a work out if you want to build consistent muscle.

3. Demonstrations

Have you ever tried folding paper origami by instruction books? It's bloody hard! A lot of guys can visualize the finished product, but it's often hard to see the path to get there. It's the same for working out. There are a lot of effective exercises out there that will expose weakness in your body and strengthen them, but it's pointless if we don't know to do them. Professionals seem like their speaking a different language sometimes when using the technical body part name when talking about an exercise. The good professionals will cut all that fancy crap and show you how to do the exercise properly. They can't rely on us to follow actors in tough movies. That's what's caused the proliferation of injuries in the first place: inproper understanding of lifting motion.

It's all common sense really, what you should find in a muscle program. It's just that us guys sometimes get deluded by pictures of other guys who've been there and done that and got the results. Or so they say. We have to really keep our eyes open for the gold amongst the scams. They have to contain information about rest, ordered exercises and demonstrations of the exercise. That is, unless if we like working out and getting no where.

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