Sunday 28 July 2013

How to Get Lean Muscle - The 1 Quality You Need to Build Lean Muscle

by Cheng Kee

Building lean muscle should be treated like a serious sporting discipline. Too many men see it as a short-term fix, a means to an end. If you're serious about learning how to get lean muscle and actually applying what you learn, you might live to see the day where you can walk into a room and everyone notices you. Otherwise, you're going to be stuck as a loser for the rest of your life. What quality separates losers like those who can't gain lean muscle from winners like those can get buff?

You might think "discipline". Well that's true. You do need discipline to get lean muscle. You can't simply lift weights for half an hour a day, a few days a week and expect yourself to explode with muscle. Discipline requires that you keep a log book and maintain a strict, nutritious diet that will fuel your muscular growth. You can have discipline but still fail at building lean muscle. Why? Because you can be disciplined and still be continually doing the wrong thing. You have the willpower to succeed, but unfortunately, if you still don't have the body of your dreams, you're wasting it.

Maybe it's "committment". You're definitely getting closer there. In fact, if there wasn't another word which was spot on, most people would think that committment is the right word. Why? Those who are committed have discipline and are also constantly seeking: seeking for the answers, seeking to check if those answers are real and seeking for their ideal body. Usually, when you hear the word "committment", you think of relationships. That's exactly what it is: a one-person relationship, you with yourself, committed to make a difference to your body. Having said that, there are people who are committed who still fail at building lean muscle, because of the fact that they do too much seeking. They're too busy looking for something, while neglecting their body. They forget the reason they are working out in the first place and lose their hindsight. Never forget where you come from.

The word I'm looking for is, "responsibility". Yes, I know it's cliched, but this overused word has many applications when you think about how it relates to learning how to get lean muscle. Firstly, like committment, it's your responsibility to look for the right answers. If the muscle program you're currently using isn't giving you the gains you deserve, find another. If the people you are consulting don't have a vested interest in you, find new people. It's your responsibility to remain disciplined, since no one is going to get your dream body but you. Everyone's ideal body is different and the body you get is a reflection of how responsible you are for it.

Look at the word "responsibility". It's derived from "response-ability": your ability to respond. That's the most important thing about building lean muscle. You can everything in the world, follow every new trend or fad, listen to the advice of professionals but ultimately if you never DO anything, you won't get your dream body. I heard a simple, yet powerful quote yesterday and I believe it applies to building lean muscle: "to make your dreams come true, just wake up". Wake up to yourself, always be aware and always act. Are you responsible for your body?

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