Saturday 13 July 2013

5 Methods to Build Lean Muscle

by M. Powers

There are two styles of muscle that people tend to want to build up with a good workout. One style is bulky, large muscle. The other, far more common, type of muscle for people to be interested in gaining is lean muscle. Unlike bulky muscle this type of muscle is relatively small in size. The main advantage to lean muscle is that it isn't as heavy, which results in a lower impact on speed and flexibility.

Methods of Building Lean Muscle

1. Avoid lifting heavy weights: When working to develop this far more flexible type of muscle a person wants to avoid lifting extremely heavy weights. Instead the focus should be on a greater number of reps or repetitions using a lighter weight. You should not go to light with the weight but you should be able to consistently do 50 to 100 reps with the selected weight.

2. Perform free motion weight lifting: Free motion weight lifting aims to work both the primary and control muscles. This is important for developing lean muscle because it helps to balance the development of both types of muscles. Balanced muscles not only work more effectively together but it also reduces the overall bulking up achieved through very specific weight lifting. Another major benefit of this is that it improves your overall lifting ability because the control muscles play a vital role in the actual process of lifting objects.

3. Use a combination of weight lifting and cardiovascular exercise: When developing lean muscle it is important to also keep your heart rate and blood flow up. This will help to oxygenate the muscles allowing them to work more effectively and reducing the damage caused to the muscles.

4. Eat a healthy diet: Like all forms of exercise, if you are looking to obtain lean muscle you should eat a healthy diet which is rich in protein, anti-oxidants, vitamins and nutrients. You can also consider taking a multi-vitamin or vitamin shake to help overcome a deficiency in your daily vitamin intake.

5. Take breaks: Whenever you are doing any type of exercise routine it is important to take a break. This means you should only workout 3-4 days a week. This will give your body the time it needs to repair your muscles after you have caused damage through an intense workout. It is also good from a mental stand point because frequently when people put forth an enormous amount of effort for a short period of time and wear themselves down considerably, yet see a lack of results, they become extremely discouraged and lose interest in continuing the process. Limiting the amount of fatigue experienced helps to reduce the likelihood of this occurring.

Like all forms of muscle, this type of muscle takes time and effort to develop. Unfortunately there is no overnight trick which can help you develop this type of muscle. The good news is that if you are willing to take the time and put forth the effort you can and will develop lean muscle.

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