Wednesday 26 March 2014

Advanced Muscle Building Strategies

If you’re looking to take your workout progress up a notch and see faster results than you ever have before, you’re gonna need to take things to a whole new level. And what better way to do that than implementing some advanced muscle building strategies.

If you just perform the same old workout routine consisting of straight sets over and over again, you are going to be very fast to hit a progress plateau. Especially when you have been training for a while now.

Two key advanced strategies that you should be considering are drop sets and giant sets. Let’s look a little more closely at what each of these are so that you can get the complete picture of how to go about adding them to your program.

What Are Drop And Giant Sets

First let’s go over what these sets consist of. A drop set is where you take one exercise, perform your standard set doing that exercise at the normal weight you lift, as you hit failure with that weight you immediately drop the weight five to ten pounds and perform a second set. If you’re really feeling ambitious, once that set is completed, you can drop the weight one more time and go for a third and final set of the drop set. Talk about BURN!

Giant sets on the other hand are where you’re going to pair together three exercises all done back to back with no rest. This set is very similar to a superset only that third exercise is added to the mix for extra difficulty.

The Benefits Of These Advanced Techniques

So what are the benefits to each of these techniques? With drop sets especially, you’re going to be teaching your body how to push through a very high state of fatigue, increasing your body’s ability to tolerate stress.

With giant sets, you’ll get excellent metabolic conditioning as you’ll be doing so much exercise in a short time frame and you’ll also see increased strength and size gains.

Both of these are going to force the body to do more work than it normally does, and this is a key factor that will allow you to pack on more lean muscle mass size, while increasing your metabolic rate significantly.

Adding These To Your Workout Routine

So now that you know what both of these are, how do you go about adding them to your workout program?

The important thing to remember is that you need to be adding them in with moderation. Don’t go doing every single set in the workout as a drop set or you will burn out incredibly quickly.

Instead, choose one or two movements and make a drop set out of them. Or pick three exercises to be performed in the workout session and perform a giant set out of those.

This allows you to maintain good balance overall so that you’re not going to burn out shortly after you start.

Try introducing these concepts into your next workout session and watch how fast you progress.

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