Saturday 23 November 2013

Reviews Of Bodylastics - 5 Things You Must Know About Bodylastics

by Robert Deangelo

Have you read an interesting review of Bodylastics lately?

Well here are the 5 things you must know about Bodylastics before you purchase them:

1. Elastic Tubing: The elastic tubing used in the bands provides smooth, consistent resistance. The tubing will not come "loose" with use, unlike other resistance bands. It is also much lighter, which means it's easier to store and transport. If you travel a lot, just throw in your set and you have your own portable gym!

2. Quick Clip System: Before the introduction of Bodylastics in 1998, elastic tubing workouts were limited. There was no easy way to adjust the resistance like with free weights and machines. Bodylastics came up with the "Quick Clip System". By attaching clips on the ends of the elastics we enabled the user to easily adjust the level of tension. Because of the ability to attach more than 7 bands to each handle you will have more then enough resistance. In fact at the Arnold World Expo Bodylastics challenged people from the crowd... that included powerlifters and pro level bodybuilders to curl only 4 bands. Out of 1000 people that tried only 30 were able to curl the bands for 30 repetitions!

3. Life Time Guarantee: Bodylastics are the ONLY resistance bands that come with a LIFE-TIME GUARANTEE! This is unheard of in the fitness industry. Have you heard about this in any other review of Bodylastics?

4. You'll Never BE BORED: Bodylastics offers more than 140 health club type exercises, but what does this mean to you? Well by being able to "hit" the muscles from different angels you will never plateau. This is called the "muscle confusion principle." At my site I have a complete and step-by-step instructional article that gives you the breakdown on how to use this powerful body building principle in your workouts.

5. Door anchor: The 11-inch door anchor consists of a soft foam piece and a webbed nylon loop. Simply close the door over the loop with the foam piece on the other side, then clip the band onto the loop. This turns your Bodylastics into virtually any gym equipment. Anchor it to the top of the door to create a cable pull, or place it on the floor for an ankle pull. The anchor is guaranteed not to damage your door and provide consistent tension. Just remember not to use it on unstable surfaces, such as ceiling fans or chairs.he Bodylastics package

These are the 5 things that make Bodylastics different then any other resistance band product.

I hope that this review of Bodylastics has helped you in deciding what kind of home gym to get.

The one thing that I can not stress enough is that the most important part of achieving your fitness goals is to commit to working out 3 to 4 times per week at the same time each day. Make it an appointment that can not be changed or broken.

Go into an empty room, gargae or even your yard. Put on some workout music you like. And get busy working out and building the body you deserve!

Final Thoughts:

Make sure that the resistance bands you use are from a good quality manufacturer. Bands that are of poor quality... similar to plain old "rubber bands" lose their elasticity over time.

Original Source:

Thursday 21 November 2013

Should You Do Cardio Prior To Weight Training?

By Russ Howe

Should you do cardio before or after weights? This is a question on the lips of many gym members around the world who are trying to figure out how to lose weight. Yet despite the conclusive proof which is already available, it remains something which confuses most people.

Today you will discover the facts behind the answer to this question. 

If you were to ask most experienced gym users for their opinion on this matter, you would probably be overwhelmed with the conflicting information in many people's views on the subject. You would also be shocked that despite the fact someone may look good, it appears they may merely be training instinctively and without any real knowledge of why they are doing things a certain way. Most people believe that doing cardio after weighs is superior as it allows you to hit the weights while your energy is peaking.

This is a theory which stands up nicely when you say it out loud, but loses credibility when you look at the facts scientifically.

You see, in order to get to the bottom of this popular gym myth we have no choice but to look at things on a scientific level. The body makes several noteworthy changes during your time on the gym floor, some of which are hugely important in answering this question. The first of which is m-TOR release.

The more gym savvy readers here will notice this word from many protein supplements on the market. That's because this enzyme is thought to be responsible for switching on the body's muscle building recovery process following a gym workout. It is released in a spike which can last for up to six hours and, naturally, you want to enjoy the maximum benefit from this spike if your goal is to build more lean muscle tissue.

When you do cardiovascular activity the body releases an enzyme called AMPK instead. This helps the body adapt to aerobic exercise.

Ready for the controversial bit? AMPK release kills m-TOR dead in it's tracks!

So jumping on a bike for 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise after a workout might sound good in theory, but in truth you are doing more harm than good to your chances of building rock hard lean muscle any time soon. The increase in your AMPK levels will do significant damage to the increased m-TOR you created by hitting the weights, rendering your session only half as great as it could have been.

Also, a study from northern California looked into the theory that pre workout cardiovascular activity would zap strength from the muscles. What they discovered was quite shocking. Like we said earlier, theories do not always play out the way you expect them to. Subjects noticed that pre workout cardio only had a negative impact on the muscles which were used during the cardio itself, for example if the cardio was legs based then leg exercises would be impacted, but every upper body move remained just as powerful. Combine this with the fact that pre workout cardio also allows you to get the full benefits of increased m-TOR levels and you can see why pre workout cardiovascular exercise is scientifically recommended as the way to go here.

Learning how to lose weight can be a confusing path, with many conflicting opinions often causing confusion along the way. The next time somebody asks should you do cardio before or after weights, you can help the with the latest scientific research rather than gym myths.

Tuesday 19 November 2013

Read This If You Would Like Get Bigger Muscles

By Anthony Leonce

Are you currently tired all of the time? Can you find it hard to complete a similar tasks and exercises that your fiends do not have problems with? Will you crave a tighter, stronger body? To eradicate this challenge through your life you're likely to want to add in certain weight training exercise and workout to your life, follow along and look at to understand how.

Vegetables are as important to building muscle as any other nutrient. Some muscle-building diets ignore vegetables while centering on complex carbs and proteins. Vegetables are full of vitamins and minerals not located in other foods. They are also good places to acquire fiber. Fiber allows your body to make use of protein effectively.

Eating lean meats will help you in muscle development. Try consuming approximately one gram of meat that is loaded with protein for every pound you weigh. That way, it is possible to stockpile protein, and for those who have more protein, you will be better in a position to develop the kind of muscles you wish.

Make certain you eat a lot of protein if your goal is always to build muscle. Include a variety of lean proteins and healthy fats in your daily diet for the very best results. Should you not eat an adequate amount of it, your whole body cannot create new muscle mass. You'll would like to choose low-fat protein alternatives for a couple of your primary meals along with your snacks daily.

Mix your routine up every so often. If you do exactly the same exercise program day in and trip, you will discover a higher chance that you receive bored, and in all probability stop your workouts altogether. Arrange your workout to focus on different exercises to operate different specific muscles any time you check out the gym. If you make positive changes to routines every so often, you will remain interested and motivated longer.

Muscle building cannot happen if you're failing to get a good amount of protein. You can find the mega doses of protein needed for muscle mass building by drinking protein shakes or taking protein supplements. They are wonderful to get right after a workout, and also right before you go to get to sleep. Take one daily if you desire weight loss and muscle strengthening. To achieve muscle tissue, try consuming three every day.

You should watch your diet, especially on those times that you wish to figure out. Consume more calories about one hour before you are likely to exercise. Don't overeat on workout days, but eat greater than days which you aren't intending on weight lifting.

Just about the most important actions to take to aid in muscle development is always to stretch after working out. Should you be under the age of 40, every stretch needs to be held for no less than 30 seconds. A person who has ended 40 years old should hold each stretch for no less than sixty seconds. This can help to stop injuries after you have exercised to construct muscle.

Now you should understand plenty about developing muscles. With a certain amount of luck, you now know all the correct techniques to use as a way to strengthen and make your muscle mass inside the proper manner. Keep on track, concentrate on your goals, and you will definitely soon set out to see impressive results.

Original Source:

Wednesday 13 November 2013

Body Building Supplements You Should Cycle

by Lionel Weathers

If you've been using or reading about body building supplements for any period of time, you've probably heard of the idea of cycling them. This is a commonly used practice where you use a supplement for a period of time, but then go off of it for a period of time. A lot of people question whether this is really necessary. To answer this question, let's talk about why you should do this with certain supplements and which supplements you should do it with.

What is Cycling All About?

If using body building supplements can help you get a better physique, why should you go off them even for a short period of time? The problem is that if you have used certain supplements for a long period of time you may have noticed that they tend to have less effect as more time goes by.

That's why people cycle - to reduce the effect of your body building tolerance or reliance on the supplement. In other words, you'll get more benefit from the supplement for a longer period and you won't become fully dependent on the supplement to maintain your physique. Sounds great right!

Non-Cycling Supplements

Before we talk about ideas on cycling, let's talk a little bit about the supplements that you don't need to worry about cycling. These would include fish oils and EFAs, multivitamins, antioxidants, and protein. Glutamine is another supplement that falls into this category. Don't worry about cycling these, just take them consistently for their benefits.

Supplements to Cycle

You should consider cycling anything that really does make a difference in your physique. This would include (but are not limited to) creatine supplements, NO2, and fat burners.

Creatine Cycling

Here are a couple of standard strategies suggested for cycling creatine. One is the standard loading phase followed by a maintenance phase, then go off completely after 6-8 weeks, then start the cycle again. Another idea is to load for 3 days, don't take any for 3 days, repeat. And a third technique is to take 10g per day for 6 weeks, then take 2 weeks off. Do some experimenting and see what works for you.

NO2 Cycling

As I've been searching around for a technique to cycle NO2 I haven't found any really concrete advice on it. It seems that some people (and apparently books) recommend that you don't have to cycle it at all. But you'll also find that a lot of people have found the effect wearing off over prolonged use.

I have seen a few suggestions to use NO2 for no more than a month, and I think that this makes good sense. Use it for a month, and then go off for 2-4 weeks. This will keep your body developing a tolerance for the NO2 supplement.

Fat Burner Cycling

Don't take fat burners or other thermogenic products for a long period of time. It would be a good idea to follow a similar routine of one month on and then a few weeks off on this one as well. This much caffeine for a long period of time can't be good!

In Conclusion

To get the most out of some body building supplements for a prolonged period of time you should cycle them in some way. There are a lot of different ways that you can do this and so the best thing to do is to try different cycling techniques to see what your body reacts to the most. Do this effectively and you'll continue to reap the benefits of your favorite supplements!

Sunday 10 November 2013

How Much Protein is Needed to Build Muscle?

by Mark McManus

Having enough protein in your diet is essential for building muscle. Knowing just how much is enough can be a little tricky for some people, so I’ve decided to set the record straight in this article.

Listening to the average Joe or your doctor about how much protein you need in your diet is simply not going to cut it for the bodybuilder. We need more than the average person simply because our muscle tissue is constantly being ripped up and repaired.

How Much Protein For Maximum Muscle Growth?

There are 2 ways to figure out just how much protein you need. First the easy way:

  • Consume 1g of Protein per Pound of Body Weight

So if you weigh 200lbs, consume 200g of protein per day.

Simple, but this formula doesn’t work well for those with a little extra body fat. Such people would be consuming too much protein.

The most precise method of calculating just how much protein you need to gain muscle is with the following formula:

Lean Mass Weight (Kg) x 2.75 = Daily Protein Requirement

(By the way, you simply divide pounds by 2.2 to get the equivalent in kilograms. So 170 pounds is 77.27 Kg)

OK, you first need to know your total body weight and your body fat percentage. If you don’t know your body fat percentage.

Multiply your answer by your total body weight to determine the amount of fat you are carrying. Now simply subtract this from your total body weight to ascertain your lean mass weight.

Take this figure and multiply it by 2.75 to get your ideal protein intake per day in grams.


A man weighs 170 pounds with 15% body fat.

170 / 2.2 = 77.27 kg

15% x 77.27 = 11.59 kg

77.27 – 11.59 = 65.68 kg Lean Body Mass

65.68 x 2.75 = 180.62

So, therefore our 170 lb, 15% body fat man should be shooting for ~180 grams of protein per day.